Fire Prevention: Look! Listen! Learn!

Look! Listen! Learn! Is a 3-step guide to assist in fire prevention in the workplace or home.
Look!- Look around your home or business for any possible fire hazards and remove them.
Listen!- Always keep an ear out for your smoke alarms. There may be only a few minute window of time to get out if a fire has started.
Learn!- Learn where all exit options are located. All exits should be clear & unblocked.
When looking through a home or business, a fire inspector will look for hazards in 4 categories: Suppression, Electrical Checks, Flammables & Fire exits. The inspector needs to be able to see that you have set up your property to avoid all possible fire-starters.
Suppression- What tools do you have to stop or slow down the fire?
Electrical Checks- Are your wires exposed? Can your fuse boxes handle the power you are connecting to them?
Flammables– Does your business use chemicals of any sort? Are they stored AND labeled properly?
Fire Exits- Do you know where they are? Are they clear of clutter? Is there an EXIT sign?
If you were unable to answer any of those questions off hand, it may be time to focus on your prevention strategy. Your plan of action for when the fire starts is just as, if not more, important than all of your steps for prevention. Accidents happen & you should have a set plan.
Ready to get your property up to code? See an example inspection checklist and make sure you are prepared here: fire-inspection-checklist
Related Article- Click the link for specific tips on what exposures to look for in the workplace!