Alcohol Education- The Quickest Way to Prevention

“The most important defense against liquor liability is prevention through education.”
Training employees needs to be concise and explicit. All employees need to be informed of procedures from day 1. Employees need to be educated on:
How To Monitor Consumption
- When monitoring patrons, have a system in place– like the traffic light system:
- Green: No Signs of Impairment & not drinking rapidly
- Yellow: Not fully intoxicated but drinking quickly in order to suppress a mood or celebrate. SERVE WITH CAUTION
- Red: Intoxicated guest, with clear intent to get drunk. Drinking fast, and possibly in a depressed or aggressive state. SHOULD NOT BE SERVED
How and When to Report an Incident
- Incidents occur in every field, every day. They are going to happen, so preparation is key. When an incident occurs, employees should report ANY and ALL – IMMEDIATELY. All are important, even those that seem to be minor. The possibility of something coming up down the road are likely
How to Deny Service
- Having to service is going to happen. Have a plan in place for your employees to use for when someone is in the Red-Light category. Teach them to offer a non-alcoholic alternative or call an Uber for them. They should be firm, but calm.
Signs Of Intoxication
- Inability to Focus
- Decreased alertness
- Staggering walk
- Inhibited Motor Skills
- Slurred Speech
- Being Overly Friendly
What their legal responsibilities are
Every person that walks in and out of a bar is a legal responsibility. From the moment they show their IDs to the moment their head hits the pillow that night. Every person needs to be trained for anything that may come their way- including fake IDs, potential drunk drivers, angry drunks and celebrators.
We will end where we began: “The most important defense against liquor liability is prevention through education.” Educate yourself. Educate your staff. Call us to inquire about additional resources!